Digital Concentration Camp

Digital Concentration Camp

Idea of this work came to me when the authorities announced a lockdown in 2020, and right after that they started population movement monitoring using mobile phones, security cameras etc. It was officially allowed to go by car only after sending a special text message 5 hours before departure.

Coronavirus pandemics with its slogans like ‘stay home’ and ‘wash hands’ also influenced the plot of the drawing. You can see people are keeping the social distance. How did it happen, that the pandemics coincided with ‘digital control’, or was the reason for it?

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about how corporations and states will control people in the future. The toughest extension of this idea is depicted in the episode of ‘Black Mirror’, where the criminals where isolated from society via blocking their communication with people, and marking them as blurred red figures in the eyes of others.

The color palette of the drawing was inspired by the ‘Blade Runner’ and refers to sci-fi and dystopian movie aesthetics. Also, while working on the drawing I was reading ‘Brave New World’ by Huxley.


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