Kids car (Mad Max Edition)

Kids car (Mad Max Edition)

This drawing was inspired by my family life (does it look like that? 🙂 ) While I was on a walk with my little son in puddles and wet snow, I thought about how great it is to have such a big baby carriage like ours. We call it an off-road car as a joke, because of its size and big wheels. So I decided to draw a slightly modified version of this vehicle. While drawing I added some brutality and ended up with sculls and spikes. Soon it looked like a post-apocalyptic car of a gangster child. Thinking of its design, I remembered the «Mad Max: Fury Road» movie. I surfed the web and found out that there a fans making their motorcycles and cars look a-la Mad Max. I even came across the biggest bike ever made, that was designed by some german enthusiasts.

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WIP — Kids car (Mad Max Edition)WIP — Kids car (Mad Max Edition)WIP — Kids car (Mad Max Edition)WIP — Kids car (Mad Max Edition)